The cannibal child at daycare bit Lyla again yesterday. This time it was on the shoulder, inches above the previous bite on her upper arm.
The dumb teacher told me the name of the biter, which is against their policy. I don't blame the kid, but I don't know what I'll do if this happens again. I talked to the director, who said that biting has been a chronic issue with this kid. There isn't any kind of policy in place and, in short, nothing will be done if it happens again.
I said, "This is twice in three days. Nothing happens the third time? What if there's a fourth? A fifth? How many times will my child be bitten in her classroom before something is done about it?"
She didn't have an answer, just that she was apologetic and that the problem was unusual.
"So there's no policy at all? My child could theoretically be bitten every single day, and nothing would happen?"
No answer.
"Look, I get it. Things happen. But this cannot happen a third time. This kid absolutely must not bite my daughter again. It is a different conversation if this happens a third time."
What a bastard I was! Judge me if you want; I so don't care. Like I said yesterday, every chip is in play with Lyla. She's defenseless, and I'm all-in. Who will make sure she's dealt fair cards if not me?
I'm either a good dad or a volcano ready to erupt. I hope it's possible to be both.
The happy news for everyone, by the way, is that today the young lady came home unscathed.
I'm totally with you, Dan!! Poor little Lyla! Now that you know who it is, perhaps YOU could bite HIM.....!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust remember that you're switching daycares soon...
ReplyDeleteThere is no reason cute little Lyla should have to be bitten at daycare everyday! I wonder how the teachers or director would feel if they had to go to work every day and get bit. I don't think you were out of line at all...there HAS to be something they can do about it for goodness sakes! It might be time to teach Lyla kung fu. ;)
ReplyDeleteCover her arms with poison. That will stop the biting.