Yesterday we had Julie's family over for Thanksgiving: Grandma Jackie, Grandpa John, Aunties Jen and Jodie, Uncle Matt, Future Uncle Jason, Lyla, Julie, and me. Oh yes, and five dogs listed here in order from least annoying to most annoying: Abby, Cooper and Violet (tie), Tulip, and Daisy.
It was a big group, and it's getting bigger. Jodie, pictured in yesterday's post, is preggers. We think of her fetus not as her daughter but as Lyla's cousin, as if Jodie and Matt's primary objective was to pony up a playmate for their niece.
The tentative plan for Julie and me is to have a second child at some point. (At some point = in our 30s.) Our discussions mainly revolve around possible names, and how nice it would be for Lyla to have a sibling. Just like Jodie's unborn, we haven't personalized our unconceived second child beyond defining him (ours will be a boy) as an accessory for Lyla. Perhaps we'll name him Ken, after the doll.
I also like the name Cletus the Fetus.
But repeat: we're not expecting. And we don't expect to be expecting anytime soon. After all, Lyla hasn't yet asked for a little brother or sister.
WHAT??!! You're EXPECTING??!! :) See, this is exactly what you're avoiding by having a more privately-accessed blog. Good job, you.