Also, my aunt has a bunny named Bun-Bun, and while Lyla politely refused to touch Bun-Bun ("Bye bye!"), she liked it very much when he was out on the deck pooping.

All in all, Lyla ran herself ragged and fell asleep the moment her head hit the car-seat.

I realize I might have committed a traffic violation by taking that photo. It went like this: hold phone up, push button, put phone down. Hey, at least I didn't text it to anyone.
I'm done with students for the school year, but contractually I have to go in tomorrow morning to check out. The fact that tomorrow is Saturday makes my brain want to explode a little. But I've decided to bring Lyla. She can help me inventory novels and archive grades. Maybe she'll poop all over the place like Bun-Bun. It'll serve them right for making us come in on Saturday.
Ha! I am bringing Anja, too...maybe we could have a mini play date!