Sock on hand is currently the epitome of leisure time enjoyment.

Yes, she is eating Cheerios with a sock on her hand. Ick.
On our commute home from daycare, we hit a lot of red lights, and Lyla's favorite way to entertain herself is, you guessed it, to get a sock on her hand as soon as possible. It's easier said than done since she's in a car seat and has the eye-hand coordination of a 22-month-old.

"Dada, yock off!" she yells. And I have to put my hand back there, find her foot, and yank.
Not today. I finally said no, told her to figure it out herself. The world is not going to take your socks off for you.
"Dada, YOCK OFF!"
"Sorry kiddo."
And then suddenly it came off with a shloop.
Four seconds later, sock on hand.
"Hi Lyla."
"Hi Lyla."
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