Remember the Elmo video where he sings about his four ducks? Kick me in the shins. Smack me in the forehead with a spatula. Grow out your fingernail and then flick my ear with it. Just don't make me watch that video again.
We let Lyla watch it once per day and then when she begs for more, we lie to her. "Lyla, the ducks went to bed."
"Ducks nigh-night, Lyla."
And she drops the subject. She knows it would be inappropriate to wake up Elmo and those quacking water-ravens from hell.
What happens when she figures out we're lying? We'll have to invent new lies.
"Elmo deleted the internet, Lyla. He's in prison."
Ava LOVES that know she'll want you to play it when you babysit. :)