"Big dump!" she said, before taking a couple steps and starting to cry. Julie was afraid she had sprained her ankle.
"Can she walk on it now?" I said idiotically.
"She walks three steps all funny and then cries. I don't know what to do."
We convened at home, where I entertained the child on the couch for half an hour while we iced the ankle.
"Big dump."
"Yes, you took a big jump and hurt your foot. Ice will make it better."
"Yeah. Big dump."
"Big jump."
"BIG dump."
"BIIIIIIG jump."
"Okay, you win."
One dose of ibuprofen and a failed nap attempt later, Lyla was sprinting around the house again. It seemed like the appropriate time to tease Julie.
"So Lyla jumped off a wall while you were off having a cigarette?"
"Shut up."
"Did the zoo authorities revoke your membership?"
"You're done."
Later we ate at Macaroni Grill, mainly because you get to draw on the tablecloth.

So the day ended with a happy, walking toddler. No trip to the emergency room. No limp. But what do you do if a toddler actually breaks or sprains an ankle? How do you immobilize the passionately mobile?
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