"I need hep, Dada!"
"Are you taking your socks off?"
Then: "I do dis!"
"Oh, you did it all by yourself?"
"Yeah! Hi Dada."
"Hi Lyla."
"I 'ave puppet hand!"
"You have a puppet on your hand?"
She also likes to define things by what they're not.
"Lyla, did you eat a popsicle today?"
She tripped and split her lip, resulting in a popsicle and our first incident report in awhile; then came another incident that resulted in her coming home wearing loaner pants, but I'll (uncharacteristically) spare you the details on that one.
"What color was it?"
"Ooh, red?"
"Not black."
"Not yellow."
And so on.
And at home she defines possession through non-possession.
"My mihk!"
"Yes, your milk."
"Not Daisy's."
"Not Tutu's."
"Right you are."
"Not Matt's."
"Are you sure?"
"Not Ava's."
And finally, ridiculously, Lyla tries to outsource the opening of her own birthday presents.
"Mama do dis."
"Lyla, it's your present!"
"Do you want help?"

We have three presents to go. Hopefully we'll get through them by Christmas.
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