When we drive home from daycare and stop at stoplights, Lyla examines the letters and numbers on the license plates in front of us.
"L Lyla!"
"What else?"
"Lori! Five!"
"Yes, a five."
"M Mama!"
"That's actually a W, which looks like an upside-down M."
And doesn't sound like a letter at all, by the way. How do they expect kids to learn it? Bee, See, Dee, Eee...Double-You.
"Wow! Winter! Women!"
"Uh, yeah."
"Sock off."
"Leave them on, please. It's too cold out for your toes."
"Suit yourself."
Then I wouldn't help her, so she got mad.
"Lyla, I refuse to be contribute to the freezing of your toes."
"You so did not just understand what I said."
"T Tutu!"
We were driving at that point, so no license plates were visible. I glanced in the rear-view and followed her eyes to the T on an exit sign.
"Y yo-yo."
"That's an X."
"Looks like a Y."
"X is for X-ray and xylophone. And that's about it."
"Sock on!"
"Hey, I tried to tell you."
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