How do you teach your toddler about Jesus when Santa's the one who brings presents? We got Lyla a book about the origins of Christmas. See the baby? That's Jesus. Jee-zuss. He sleeps in the hay. Christmas is Jesus's birthday. Happy birthday, Jesus!
I don't know if Lyla knows who Santa is, but I'm sure she will soon. And I can predict what her thoughts will be.
"Dada, Santa pezzants!"
"Yes, Santa brings presents."
"Deezus pezzants too!"
"Uh, not exactly, sweetie. Jesus brings, uh, eternal salvation and whatnot."
"Santa pezzants!"
"Yeah, but don't forget about Jesus. He died for our sins, and uh...we'll talk more about that in a couple years. See, Santa gives you presents, but when you die--"
"Dan, are you talking to Lyla about death?"
"No. I'm trying to convince her that Jesus is better than Santa."
"Deezus pezzants."
Julie will shake her head. "No, Santa brings the presents."
"Santa pezzants!"
I hear ya on this battle...at our house Santa brings the "necessities" like pajama's and underpants :) oh and he always gives an orange in the stocking on Christmas morning. Then we give the kids 3 gifts - like the wise men brought to baby Jesus. It helps us not overdue it too :) Just thought I would offer some unasked for advice :)