Here Lyla is eating a cracker, or as she puts it, a caca. They are shaped like Elmo's head, which she does not find the least bit disturbing. Usually she doesn't get to eat cacas right before dinner, but she found a tupperware of them in the baby bag and ran it over to me while shouting "Peez!" I could see in her eyes that if I said no, then years from now Uncle Scott would be walking her down the aisle.
The word "peez" reminds me of how Lyla refuses to eat peas, so whenever I put some on her tray and say "Peas!" with stupid enthusiasm, she must think I'm asking her to please eat them, which I suppose I am. She always replies the same way: "No no."
Speaking of which, this is the no-no cupboard:
Inside the no-no cupboard live all the other cacas. Once or twice every day, Lyla likes to double-check with us whether the cupboard still retains its no-no status. Maybe it has recently become the yes-yes cupboard, which would make all the Elmo-head cacas inside fair game. It doesn't hurt to ask.
Julie feels a little better, by the way. She has more energy, although her voice is about an octave and a half lower all of a sudden, which makes her sound exactly like Jesse Ventura. Is it offensive to call her "Julie The Body"? Will it land me in deep caca?
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