When I arrived at daycare, Lyla and the other toddlers were outside. One of the kids was covered with an Anthrax-like white powder, and the teachers were dusting him off; he looked like Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoons.
It turned out to be flour from the sensory table. The sensory table! We so need to get one of those. Anyway, upon closer inspection, Lyla had flour on her, too, as well as plaster of paris in her hair. It was a nice moment, hugging all that.
Lyla comes home every day now grubby and covered in debris. It's like the first half of a Tide commercial.
So that's what it's come to. I am the woman in the Tide commercial.
That picture is adorable! Anja wants a play date, soon, by the way. She likes to have someone her own age and size to get dirty with. Sounds like Lyla would be perfect!