This afternoon I drove home for a quick wardrobe change before this evening's school open house. I met Julie and Lyla as they drove up, and Lyla immediately requested a walk to the hydrant across the street. She's not usually a hand-holder, but she knows the trek down the driveway and across the street requires hands. So we walked together like a giant and a munchkin on a date.
On the way we talked about her day at school.
"Did you have a fun day at school today?"
"Did you play with the other kids?"
"Did you eat lunch?"
"What did you have?"
"Ooh, that sounds yummy."
"Yes, that is the hydrant."
"Red." She nodded importantly.
"Yes, it is very red."
We started back. "Did you go down the slide?"
"What did you say when you went down the slide?"
Then we stopped to throw helicopter seeds.