She was not at all in the mood to leave. She ran up to me, took her raincoat out of my hands, and went back to work without a hug or hello.
Julie's egg sandwich cravings are over. Now every morning she requires a bowl of junky cereal. Man, I got a little choked up just typing that.
When I was a lad, we were a Cheerios and Rice Krispies house, otherwise known as cereals that taste shitty.
"I love Cheerios."
That's because you're ignorant.
But every week when my mom went to the grocery store, one of us kids would go with her to assist. That kid would get to pick one box of tasty cereal, such as Fruity Pebbles or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Then, once all the groceries were put away in our cupboards, my brother and sister and I would descend on that box like vultures on a rotting corpse. By the next morning, we'd be a Cheerios and Rice Krispies house again.
Yesterday I ate four bowls of Cocoa Krispies. I couldn't help it; I felt that if I didn't keep eating, someone else would. So now junky cereal is back on the grocery list. "Cap'n Crunch," Julie said this morning.
"No no no. Those will cut your mouth to hell. What about Honey Smacks?"
"Hmm. I want the ones with marshmallows."
"Lucky Charms?"
"And more Cocoa Krispies, too?"
"No, I actually wanted Cocoa Puffs."
"Are you cuckoo for them?"
"Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?"
"Well you're pregnant, so maybe that's a dumb question."
"I'm cuckoo for you buying me some Lucky Charms. We're out of milk, too."
This morning I asked Julie how she enjoyed the Lucky Charms.
"I wanted Cap'n Crunch."
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