Before I painted it today, Lyla's future big-girl room was the color of the inside of Oscar the Grouch's nostril. Now it feels like you're standing in the sun. It's so bright that it'll never be dark in there.
Which means sleeping could be an issue. Dang it, I should've painted it black.
Julie painted one coat of trim and began to feel cramping that a shriller person might have interpreted as minor contractions. This happened with Lyla-fetus, too, but it never led anywhere besides getting induced at 41 weeks.
As I type this, Julie is at her Donna Reed sewing machine making curtains for the new room. Bom-chicka-wah-wah. It's Friday night, and the mood is right. For making curtains.
You know, come to think of it, I bet that trip to JoAnn Fabrics to buy the material for the curtains eliminated any hankering our future son might've had to enter the world early.
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