We're using the transition to kick her daycare binky habit. "In the Koala room, the men and women do not use binkies," we told her and then watched her face as her brain slowly digested itself.
No answer.
"Lyla? Are you okay? Come on, snap out of it."
"More mac tseese. More!"
And as I've mentioned in several other posts, I'm thrilled about the toilet. This afternoon when I picked up Lyla, the Koala teacher said to me, "You're the one who had questions about the toilet, right?"
"Yes," I replied. "Well, not really questions, actually. Just, I'm just very excited that there's a toilet."
I hope I didn't come across weird, as if we don't have indoor plumbing at home so this will be Lyla's chance to poop without holding a shovel and flashlight. "Say it with me, Lyla Ann: Poop at school and pee at home. Poop at school and pee at home!"
I digress. My prediction is that before Christmas Lyla will have seen so many of the men and women strut into the bathroom to use the toilet that she will come home demanding practice sessions.
"Dada, toe-let."
"Very well, daughter. Right this way."

On another subject, at what point did we cross the hair threshold from cute to feral?
Don't answer that.
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