Contrary to expectations, Lyla did not want to frolic in the leaves.
"Come on, Lyla. Crunch crunch crunch in the leaves!"
"No cunch. Hy-dint!"
When we were just about to cross the street for the hydrant, Lyla veered left and informed me that plans had changed.
"But Mama just called and demanded an immediate online pizza order."
Lyla nodded patiently. "Pay-gound."

"Hey Lyla, there's your shadow."
"Dada saddow."
"Dada's shadow is big."
"Yeah. Lyla saddow."
"Lyla's shadow is small."
"Lyla saddow bid."
"Whatever, dude. If you say so."

"Ev-ah dude."
At the playground while I ordered pizza the old-fashioned way, Lyla grossly miscalculated her distance to the ground from the giant truck climbing apparatus. After dangling by one hand for an instant, she fell, and I caught her with my non-pizza-phone hand. It was a brilliant moment of cheetah-like reflexes, and I immediately looked around to determine whether other parents had seen it and wanted to applaud.
Yes, I realize I was the guy on the cellphone while the not-yet-two-year-old almost fell off the giant truck. Blame the pregnant lady.
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