Speaking of sleeping and not sleeping, I got bamboozled by the pregnant lady this morning, my morning to sleep in. "Dan, I, ahem ahem, don't think I can get up with her."
"Up peez! Book!" Lyla said from her crib in the next room.
"You're playing the pregnant card, aren't you."
"I think I'm playing the pregnant card."
A normal person would've felt an iota of guilt, but Julie slid back into sleep like a sociopath.
Julie woke up just after 10:00. She took Lyla to two parks and then to Starbucks, so I guess we're pretty much even--except when a pregnant lady is involved, there is no such concept as even. Two parks and Starbucks earns Julie 34,582 wife points, but I get zero husband points for the wake-up. Pregnancy trumps everything, especially your desire to sleep.
Then the baby comes and trumps your desire to sleep even more.
Which is why we're not yet ready to snip the binkies.
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