"Lyla, do you want to wear sparkly princess shoes?"
"Then we need to put your dress on."
"No! No dess!"
"Only girls with dresses get to wear sparkly princess shoes."
"Okay, it's dress time!"
My mom and I stuffed her into it despite a lot of spirited wiggling, and then I strapped her into her car seat.
Lyla and I arrived at the ceremony location and were immediately instructed by the overzealous wedding planner to wait in the lobby. "We're still setting up, and it might be dangerous for her," he said while gesticulating.
As soon as he swiveled away from us, we slipped past and into the main room, by the grace of God avoiding whatever danger he was referring to.
I'll spare you the full play-by-play. Let's just say that Lyla's mood started out awful and got better and better. I convinced her that riding in the wagon was a spectacular idea. You can see her and Ava coming down the aisle in the previous post. (Poor Bella wasn't feeling well, so the three wagoners became two.)
Then I pulled Lyla from the wagon and onto my lap in a second-row aisle seat. The ladies looked beautiful, the lads strapping. The officiant began. "We are gathered--"
"More wagon!"
I got her out of there fast. We watched the rest of the ceremony from the back of the room. I explained to Lyla that her Auntie Jen was getting married and that Jason would now officially become Uncle Jason.
"Wagon time, Dada."
"You did such a good job in the wagon."
"Yeah. More wagon."
"Shh. We have to be very quiet."
Then I pulled out my trump card: a binky.
And everything was perfect in the way that weddings always are. And now we're home.

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