Today and tomorrow are MEA break, which means school is canceled so teachers from every nook of Minnesota can attend a conference in St. Paul.
Well, the suckers attend.
Julie took these days off as well so we can do a grand switcheroo in our house in preparation for our fetus's transformation into a baby.
Remember Julie's "closet" that is actually an entire bedroom? That's becoming Lyla's big-girl room. We're painting it tomorrow. Julie's clothes will move to our bedroom, mine will move downstairs, and the nursery will get boyified.
Julie noticed that while our bedroom closet's shelving would allow her to hang her clothes, sliding them back and forth would be impossible due to some overzealous vertical support dealies. Somehow during the years that I occupied the closet, the non-sliding was a non-issue. With Julie, it is a gargantuan issue, a foot-stamping deal breaker. So this afternoon I got out the drill, the pliers, the tape measure, and some useless tools, and I replaced the entire infrastructure of the closet to make it more slidey.
Hopefully she doesn't think it's too slidey.
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