Lyla did sleep in until 5:55 this morning, a time that would have made me barf in horror a couple months ago. This morning the extra 15 minutes of listening to white noise on her baby monitor was like placing a seashell against my ear and imagining the ocean's vast calm. I even got to make coffee without Lyla offering constant advice as to which food I might consider fetching her next.
"We don't eat cheese for breakfast."
"How about some Kix?"
There was just the whoosh of the monitor, the grinding of the coffee beans, and the dogs' paws scrabbling across the floor.
In yesterday's post about how Lyla wakes up too early, my friend Rachel commented that the sun is bright. "Uh, the sun shines through Lyla's window, dumb-ass," was her basic gist.
A Google search reveals that the sun has been rising at around 5:33 recently. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here stroking my imaginary chin beard and wondering why Lyla begins serenading the world at 5:40. It's the damn sun! All the talk of roosters yesterday and it didn't occur to me that Lyla truly is thinking like one.
So I'm going to paint the nursery windows with tar.
I'm still laughing about the tar comment...but what I wanted to say is that Ava has been waking up at 5:30 for the last 3 mornings (she was typically a 11 or 12-hour sleeper). I thought she and Lyla had a conspiracy against us...but really it might just be the sun.
ReplyDeleteTar is great, but it won't get the neighbors talking about you nearly as creatively as the aluminum foil. Good luck solving your sleep problem. It will solve itself in about 12 years.
ReplyDeleteI think the answer just may be a mini fridge in Lyla's crib with a stash of mih, teez, and ca-cas in it.