Pooh got a new Lyla doll today.
This morning Lyla and I were in the spare bedroom, where we keep 83% of her toys. I was highly engaged in her activities but also drinking coffee and reading a magazine. Suddenly I heard a muffled "Hep. Hep." Oops: she was stuck under the bed.
I grabbed a foot and pulled her out. "What are you doing?" I said.
She pointed under the bed. I looked and saw a ball that had lured her there in the first place. It was unreachable without a broomstick, so I pondered sending her after it again like a human fishing pole.
But instead I distracted her with yogurt.
"Yes, yogurt."
"No, the ball is under the bed."
"That's right, the bed."
I love Saturdays.
awwwww an official conversation... so was "hep hep" meant to be "help help" or just a sound effect?