It's entirely possible that Lyla is urinating on the big-girl potty in this picture. We'll give her partial credit.
I did end up breaking up with daycare on Monday. The conversation didn't have as much fanfare as I hoped it would. There was no gnashing of teeth or hasty offer to lower tuition. Nevertheless, I'm sure they called an emergency all-staff meeting early the next morning and had grief counselors on hand. Hopefully someone brought donuts.
In other news, I made a chicken stir-fry and afterward added extra carrots, corn, and peas to Lyla's portion. It went like this:
"Lyla, what does a chicken say?"
"Buck buck buck buck."
"Do you want to eat some chicken?"
Vigorous head nodding. Forkful of chicken. Enthusiastic chewing.
I hid a pea and a corn kernel on this forkful.
Now a smaller chicken piece with a carrot and two peas.
Now three corn kernels, two peas, one bit of carrot, one bit of yellow pepper, and no chicken.
"Here's more chicken," I lied (because, as I mentioned before, parents lie to their kids constantly).
Everything moved in slow motion. The vegetables entered the mouth. She blinked. I did not breathe. She blinked again. Then she began to chew. An eternity later, she swallowed as the theme from Chariots of Fire began to play in my mind.
lol the picture on the previous entry is a nice illustration for this one