Here Lyla is removing DVDs from the shelf so she can stack them on the table, higher and higher, until they topple over. This is a no-no. It also happens to be hilarious.
She's reached the point that she knows when she's being naughty and thinks it's fun. I can't imagine who passed her the DNA for that trait. When we're at Target and she runs away squealing, she thinks she's initiating the chase game, but there's also a part of her, I am certain, that is fully aware that good boys and girls don't run away from their parents at Target. But that just makes her feel cool. It's like if she suddenly found some cigarettes, she would most definitely smoke them, and probably in church.
So I have to explain to her that running away at Target is a no-no, and I have to do it without laughing at how cute and ridiculous she looks bouncing down the aisle and glancing back at me while veering so severely that a woman needs to move her cart out of the way (she is smiling). What I have to tell Lyla is this: a funny no-no is still a no-no. Just because Dada is laughing doesn't mean that you should continue this behavior.
I need to get it together, or she's headed for juvy.
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