Here's Lyla and her friend Anja on the tractor.

On another subject, we leave tomorrow for the Indiana Dunes on Lake Michigan. We have a sack with a bunch of new junk for Lyla to play with in the car should she become fussy. I hope it doesn't turn into some tragic Pavlovian experiment where Lyla concludes, "If I scream and cry, I get a crappy toy. Therefore, I should scream and cry constantly."
Our hotel has Wi-Fi, so I will continue posting updates on our shenanigans. One item that I know will cause great excitement is the return of the MacGyver curtain setup that I invented for our Duluth overnight. I already put the big storage thing on top of the car, so there's plenty of room for the shower rods, curtains, rings, duct tape, as well as Julie's suitcase, which is only slightly smaller than Rhode Island.
And like two years ago, I will again dig a massive hole in the sand so Julie can comfortably lie on her stomach.
Oh, and our plan is to convince Lyla to take naps on the beach on a cot. We are idiots!
I think she is going to love it - hopefully she'll just crash. Napping on the beach sounds lovely :)