Friday, July 16, 2010

Dada MacGyver

Family reunion in Duluth minus Julie due to feeling pregnant and icky. I'm concerned about bedtime tonight when I put Lyla in the big-girl crib next to my hotel bed and try to convince her that it is a very good idea to go to sleep. "Dada!" she'll say, looking up at me.

"Go to sleep."

"No fweep!"

"Go to sleep."

"No fweep!"

"Go to sleep."


So at Target I purchased two black shower curtains along with rods and rings. And rope. And duct tape. I'm going to craft a blind in the hotel room so Lyla can't see me. It will end up a colossal failure, but right now it feels like a fantastic idea, like something MacGyver would do.

If nothing else works, my 2:00 AM backup option is to bash myself in the head with a sock filled with nickels. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

I'll take a photo of the hopeless situation tonight and post it here tomorrow.


Okay, here it is. Get ready to bask in my ingenuity.

I texted it to Julie and she was not impressed.

Oh, but what's that!? YEEEAH. That's what I thought, doubters! BOO YAH.