Since she said "Choo choo!" the whole way there in the car, we started with the slowest train ride in the world.

See that card in her hand? A giant Dora the Explorer gave it to her. Lyla gave her a high-five, a brave feat considering she looked like 900 pounds of plush.
Then we rode the carousel. Lyla decided after some deliberation that the snarling, pointy-toothed pig looked the most inviting.
Near disaster followed as we tried a new ride: the balloons.

Lyla started squirming immediately and informed anyone listening that she was all done. The only way we got through it was by taking turns booping the each other's elbow.
Oh yes, when you boop something, you touch it with your finger and say boop. It's a good way to pass time and a good way to survive scary balloon rides.
Finally, we had a snack.

I wasn't actually hungry, but I crammed half that muffin because otherwise Lyla would have. Somehow, letting your toddler eat an entire Starbucks muffin just seems like poor form.
Love the carousel photo! So adorable. I clearly remember when Jules got sick on the balloon ride at Valleyfair when we were little (I think she was riding backwards). Clearly Lyla takes after Mama. :)