"No ummutz!"
"No bed!"
"No gapes!"
...I asked her if there was anything, anything at all that she did want.
"Just ketchup?"

So we had some ketchup, which actually served as a gateway to other, more proper foods.
Then Ava came over while Jodie and Matt went out for their anniversary. Lyla helped feed her.

Julie had to work late, so when Jodie and Matt left I found myself the caretaker of two miniature human beings.
"Lyla, can you give Ava a nice hug?"

Oh sweet Jesus.
Lyla got a little territorial with her mailbox. Of course, my parental involvement consisted of taking pictures.

She did serve a brief timeout for a Lego-throwing infraction.

Then Julie came home and made it all look sickeningly easy.

That was SOOOOOOOOOOOO hilarious! Matt and I are sitting here laughing out loud!! LOVED the 'nice hug' photo. :) Thank you soooo much for watching her! It's so so so so adorable seeing our kiddos playing together.