I realized after Lyla was in bed that I hadn't taken a photo today. She was nice enough to stay asleep during this one.
Julie worked from home (actually Panera) for six or seven hours today and then headed to Southdale Mall to look at maternity clothes. Sometime during her one hour of shopping, someone stole her work bag out of her car. In it was her work laptop, cellphone, and iPod. Needless to say, she was not pleased.
The laptop didn't have any sensitive data, miraculously. And we were planning to get iPhones anyway, so the loss of her cell and iPod isn't tragic exactly. The cell wasn't a smart phone, and the iPod was several generations old. I believe it was the first year Apple made one with a touch dial instead of one that actually spun. It was white and thick as a hockey puck and would've made a decent stool for Lyla to stand on while brushing her teeth.
Still, it sucks. You don't want a pregnant lady coming home in tears because her stuff got stolen and she couldn't even call you to tell you about it. So we filed a police report, and I'm sure the boys in the crime lab will be working double shifts until this case cracks wide open. I mean seriously, what the hell else is there to do if you're a cop in Edina? I also called the head of security at Southdale (who I imagine answered the phone while on a Segway and wearing a bicycle helmet), who later called me to report that the security cameras caught nothing.
It all pisses me off. It's like, she's pregnant, okay? Don't fuck around with her.
That totally stinks! Tell Julie she needs to check out Nine - it is a maternity consignment shop on main street in Hopkins - totally great!