Lyla has always been a Sunday bather. How dirty can you get running around the house in the winter? Plus, she's not often overly artistic in her pants anymore, settling instead for tidier contributions. So what's to bathe?
But Lyla ran around outside in the 65-degree weather most of today. When I picked her up she was sweaty and grubby and kind of a dirtball. So now I understand why kids get baths every night. Her hands alone looked like she had spent the afternoon cramming charcoal eyes into the sockets of a dust-storm snowman.
Plus, tomorrow is prom, so she needed a bath. So one thing about daycare prom is that it's actually only an infant room thing, which we didn't realize when we ordered the limousine and rented the hotel room. We're dressing her up anyway, even though she'll likely spend tomorrow break-dancing on a muddy Slip 'n Slide.
I will take that limousine. And the hotel room.