Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Infant room retrospective

Julie has been practicing her alphabet sign language, though I'm blaming her if Lyla grows up writing the letter C backwards.

Lyla's last day of transition was today. As of tomorrow, she is a full-time toddler. I think she'll be okay. Yesterday was her first nap on a cot, and she made it 90 minutes. Today's cot nap eclipsed that by an entire hour, which is epic. The teachers say this is normal, that the new toddlers are exhausted and stay on the cot due to peer pressure. They theorize that in the next week or so, Lyla will enter a stage of cot rebellion, which will ultimately result in her falling asleep in her highchair, face in the food.

The infant teachers sent her home with a CD of photos from the nearly eight months she spent in the infant room. Here is a sample.


  1. Oh my gosh - I forgot what a chunky monkey Lyla was when she was younger. What a cutie!! Daycare got some good pics!

  2. Very cute!

    Lyla, you're getting so big!

  3. Such good photos!!! What a cutie pie!
