In the toddler room they make kids drink from regular cups with no sippies. It's serious business, this drinking. Sneak in a sippy and these kids will look at you and solemnly shake their heads. So this evening we introduced Lyla to the idea of drinking from a cup the adult way. After several attempts, it is safe to say that her chest is not thirsty.
We noticed a general indifference on Lyla's part to learn to drink properly. It was fun for her to let lukewarm milk dribble generously down her shirt over and over. This isn't surprising, just more evidence that my squeamishness gene is recessive. So tomorrow we'll try again, but we'll remove her shirt first and give her a cup of cold milk, thereby making it unpleasant to dribble. Then we'll just sit back and watch the manners happen. It'll be magical.
But I'll wear a poncho just in case.
omg why the rush to be so hard core! this toddler room is intense!