Lyla's cousin Ava is different, however, for I have a great desire to hold Ava. Aside for the obvious benefit of Ava's splurt being genetically similar to Lyla's, when I hold Ava it is an uncle holding a niece, and that is good.
We visited Ava today.
Julie didn't take any pictures of me holding Ava, but I held her for a long time. I do understand now why some people want to hold every baby they encounter: you don't think about anything. It's impossible to hold a baby and be like, "I have SO much work to do." You could have 12 pimples on your chin and the only thing you'd be thinking is "Baby."
The funny thing is that you sometimes take it for granted when it's your own baby. When it's your baby, you're happy to give someone else a turn so you can have a break. "You want to hold my baby? Okay!" And you're out the door.
Of course, there is nothing on Earth more glorious than a daughter. But nieces are therapy.
And in other news, spring is coming.
ohhh so cute! Ava loves when her auntie/uncle come to visit! :)