Last Wednesday when we had the snow day, I got out there with the snow blower and did a poor job, just enough to get the cars out. Later, as I was backing out to go pick up Lyla, I stopped at the end of the driveway because a dude in a Bobcat was meandering along the road. He waved at me to open the window. I did, and he spoke in an Australian accent that I will do my best to mimic here:
"Moind if ah prictice in yo'r droiv-way?"
"Knock yourself out!" I said and wondered if the idiom would be lost on him. "Go ahead!"
When I returned with Lyla, the entire driveway was scraped clean.
Fast forward to this morning. I spent a horrible, horrible night expelling my body's contents. You don't need the gory details, but I do feel compelled to share that I nearly cracked ribs. The last thing I ate yesterday was a McDonald's mushroom and swiss angus burger. I don't know if that was it, but the thought of a mushroom right now makes me want to bitch-slap Ronald McDonald.
So I stayed home today and ached and slept. By this afternoon, I decided I needed to have something to show for the day, so I showered and went to Target. I opened the front door to find several new inches of snow. And you guessed it: when I got back from Target, the driveway was immaculately clean. The Bobcat-driving Australian struck again.
I wonder if he has a son for Lyla to marry.
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