Julie and I had today off and dropped Lyla at daycare because we are terrible people.
Then we went out to lunch, bought used books (I'll let you know how I like the 2003 edition of Investing for Dummies), and walked around Lowe's. I bought a drill with more torque than my current drill because torque is directly proportional to masculinity, and I was running low after the incident a couple weeks ago when I cried during Grey's Anatomy.
We also looked at counters and sinks. I'll spare you further detail on that.
Then after the obligatory Target run, we picked up Lyla and went home.
I'm remembering now that there was a guy at lunch with his five-year-old daughter. They were cute. I'll totally be that guy, too, but right now I'm the guy who gets excited about daycare and running errands alone with Julie. It makes sense, and it doesn't.
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