A couple weeks ago Julie put those slips of paper in Lyla's mailbox. Lyla is convinced they are her mail. Sometimes we read them to her and make up different messages from Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, or Barack Obama.
When do babies learn how to use spoons? I suggested at dinner tonight that this weekend we strip Lyla, give her a jar of her most favorite slop food, a spoon, and watch what happens from under a rain poncho.
But Julie shrugged, scooped out a glob of chicken and stars, and put the spoon on Lyla's tray. I squinted my eyes so they'd have less distance to shut should Lyla get spoon-violent. Instead, she picked up the spoon and watched as the glop slowly slid off of it and glooped onto her tray. Then she flapped her arms "all done."
New mail:
Dear Lyla,
It's okay that you're not yet ready for a spoon. Your country thanks you for your dedication to being the best baby you can be.
President Obama
Anja just attempted using a spoon for the first time a few days ago. We used oatmeal and just made sure it wasn't runny. It's sticky enough to stick to the spoon to help get it to her mouth. She did pretty well, but hasn't tried again since. And when she got bored, she would use her hand to put it on the spoon, get the spoon close to her mouth, then take it back off the spoon and shove it in her mouth! : )